Art Deco Buildings in Springs – 702 Interview May 2017
The stock of art deco buildings in Springs in Ekurhuleni have become part of an impromptu tour in the area and could be pegged as a popular tourist destination. Azania Mosaka spoke to Jeffrey Cole, Architect at Messaris Wapenaar Cole Architects, who has encouraged locals to take a walk through the CBD. He talks about...
Read MoreThe Edge Apartments, Kampala, Uganda – 2016
The EDGE Apartments is a gated community development in Naalya – Kampala – Uganda. The development has been carefully designed to offer residents a great balance between comfort and cost. The apartments offer spacious living areas that surrounds residents with privacy, time saving conveniences, and maximum liveability. Socialization, relaxation, and a serene atmosphere will make...
Read MoreThe Apex on Smuts – Leading Architecture 2016
The arresting, wedge-shape of The Apex on Smuts – a new, Manhattan-style apartment building in the heart of Rosebank, Johannesburg – presented architects Messaris Wapenaar Cole Architects (MWCA) with the opportunity to design a building with real urban presence. “We felt it was important for the building to address its position at an urban scale...
Read MoreKyknet Prontuit Interview June 2015
Art Deco is ‘n boustyl wat meestal tydens die 1930’s ‘n groot invloed op Suid-Afrikaanse argitektuur gehad het. Maar hierdie pragtige geboue is dikwels in die ou sentrale sakegebiede van dorpe en stede geleë en is deesdae vervalle. Springs is al Suid-Afrika se Art Deco hoofstad genoem en ons het vroeër die week ‘n draai...
Read MoreEast Point – Building and Décor 2015
Following a rational approach enabled the professional team working on the refurbishment of the East Rand Galleria to channel saved funds sensibly. The 45 000m² East Rand Galleria in Boksburg, to be rebranded East Point, is currently undergoing a R411-million reconfiguration and renovation, which includes the replacement of the entire roof and all the insulation....
Read MoreThe Epic – Housing in South Africa 2014
Architectural firm Messaris Wapenaar Partnership held a celebratory function in May to mark its 30th anniversary in business. The practice – which was established in 1982 – has grown from a micro-business operating out of a garage to a company of almost 40 people with a solid track record in residential, industrial, commercial, retail and...
Read MoreMessaris Wapenaar Cole Profile – Architect and Specificator 2013
Promech publishes Architect & Specificator under the auspices of AAAMSA (Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa). Architect & Specificator goes to registered architects, registered quantity surveyors, main contractors, consulting engineers, property developers, legal departments/associations, MBSA members, SAPOA members, glaziers and the AAAMSA membership
Read MoreMessaris Wapenaar Cole 30th Birthday Celebrations – Leading Architecture 2012
Architectural firm Messaris Wapenaar Partnership held a celebratory function in May to mark its 30th anniversary in business. The practice – which was established in 1982 – has grown from a micro-business operating out of a garage to a company of almost 40 people with a solid track record in residential, industrial, commercial, retail and...
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